Your gold is waiting…

That day, five years ago when she realised that her running time in the Steeplechase at the 2016 Olympics couldn’t make her compete in the finals, Peruth Chemutai must have wept. The pain of the disappointment must have pierced all parts of her body. Disappointment she felt alright, but courage to try again it seems, overwhelmed her. It is no wonder that in 2018, she competed in the World U20 Championships in Finland and emerged 2nd.

The same year she was the 5th in the African Championships in Nigeria. A year later she was to be 5th again in the World Championships in Doha, Qatar and 5th yet again in 2019 IAAF World Cross Country Championships held in Aarhus, Denmark. Where is my break she must have asked herself with each attempt at sporting glory? And then it landed, boom! Olympic Gold! History making feat! Uganda’s first female Olympic gold! As the world celebrated her Olympic Gold medal today, I wonder what a moment in her mind would reveal.

My mind however reflects on how much her experience is similar to many we face in our journey of life. How many times have you met challenges & disappointment and felt that you were doomed. Felt hopeless and helpless! Wondered when you would catch a break. Tried to elevate yourself and still fell flat on your face. It must have been tough like in Chemutai’s experience. If we are to learn anything from her journey, it is believing in yourself and never giving up.

You just never know when your big break will come. Today is gone, tomorrow gives you another chance to try again and again and again.  Your golden moment is calling. Here is to your gold medal.

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